Antonio Pérez-Calero Yzquierdo
Antonio was born in Sevilla in 1978. He studied Physics at Universidad de Sevilla, specializing in Fundamental Physics and with a particular interest in experimental work. Collaborating with the Applied Nuclear Physics group and Centro Nacional de Aceleradores, he employed XRF and PIXE analysis techniques to the study of archaeological glass samples for his graduation research project.
In 2006 he moved to Barcelona to start the PhD at Universitat de Barcelona (UB) with an FPI grant, and joined the experimental Particle Physics group. He received the Master’s Degree in Physics from UB in 2007, under the Astrophysics, Particle Physics and Cosmology program. Working as a member of the collaboration for the LHCb experiment at CERN, he developed algorithms for the High Level Trigger of the detector, optimized for the fast identification of B meson candidates from the reconstruction of muon tracks. During his PhD, he also participated in the analysis of rare decays of the B meson, an indirect probe to Physics beyond the Standard Model.
He received his PhD in Experimental Physics from UB in 2011 (CERN-THESIS-2011-182). After the PhD, he continued collaborating with LHCb and the group at UB in the analysis of LHCb experimental data, focusing on rare radiative B meson decays.
In September of 2012 he joined CIEMAT and PIC as CMS contact person of Tier-1 Grid Computing.