Helix Nebula the Science Cloud Pilot Phase final event

The goal of this public webcast session is to promote the results achieved with the HNSciCloud pilot platform services.
The webinar will introduce the services developed by HNSciCloud Contractors, RHEA, T-Systems and Cyfronet, including their commercialisation plans.
The results of a detailed Total Cost of Ownership study carried out on a few HNSciCloud selected scientific use cases will also be presented. Lightning presentations by the buyers group will show how they have deployed their use-cases and the results achieved.
The event will also provide the opportunity to introduce OCRE and ARCHIVER initiatives, together with the roadmap for the implementation of a full-scale European Open Science Cloud.
The webinar is free, registration is needed at the following link:https://indico.cern.ch/event/763492/registrations/45623/